Popular Types of Paper grade for Packaging

Types of Paper grade for Packaging

Packaging that uses paper is definitely a more sustainable option as compared to plastics. Nearly all manufacturers have switched to packaging that is made of paper. Paperboard is the most popular material for creating packaging products. Given the rise in demand, paper packaging manufacturers have begun offering several choices so that products can be packaged as per the requirements. For example, food board paper is available for packing food products. But with so many options available it can be a tad bit difficult to understand which material to choose for your product. Just keep reading to learn about the various types of packaging products:

Clay Coated News Backboard (CCNB)

These cartons constitute previously used corrugated containers, recycled newspapers as well as some other papers. If one is looking for a low-cost alternative then this paper grade can be chosen. However, given its components, it can absorb a lot of moisture and isn’t recommended for packaging food products or other perishables that can be affected by water. Given this drawback, this is usually not preferred by many. You can still choose this if you need to pack something light in weight and non-perishable.

Folding Box Board (FBB)

This is created by making a pulp material through several processes. As a result this paper grade is also several layers thick. Thus, FBB possesses both strengths as well as longevity. Since the constituent material is also bleached, high-quality prints can also be made on the boxes using this material. Given its many qualities, FBB is used for packing beauty products, drugs and even food.

Solid Bleached Sulfate (SBS) Board

This material can provide aesthetically pleasing packing material. Since its fibres are also turned into a pulp and then go through a bleaching process, the boxes tend to have entirely white surfaces. Consequently, prints of high quality can be made on all available surfaces. It is not surprising that packaging products made from this material are favoured by several industries from personal care to high-end luxury brands and even the food industry.

Natural Kraft or Coated Unbleached Kraft (SUS or CUK)

This packaging consists of entirely recycled constituents. Companies that are trying to reduce their carbon footprint or in general are more environmentally-friendly can choose this option. This is also an excellent option for food packaging given its strength and resistance to damage.


Although there are several choices, they do not exist to confuse you but rather to suit your packaging needs. Having some knowledge about different packaging materials will help you make the right choice for your business or even individual preference. You can easily procure these materials by contacting the right paper board suppliers and placing an order that will assist you in delivering your products in the best condition possible.

Types of Paper grade for Packaging
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